Monday, June 23, 2008

Harold Washington Library Center

It's June and I'm back on my journey to visit as many of the neighborhood branches as I can, and enjoy the ambiance of the surroundings. To kick off the new season, I wanted to revisit the HWLC - it is considered the largest public library in the world! I had a wonderful invitation from Karen Danczak Lyons, Deputy Director, to have a tour. She had checkout out this blog, so we spent a few minutes talking about the wonderful place as she showed me some of its special collections and exhibits. There is so much in the building, I can only suggest you visit and see for yourself. But a few highlights are the popular library on the first floor, the welcoming children's library, miles and miles of bookshelves, and many staff to help find what you are looking for. Computers, music practice rooms, thousands of newspapers and periodicals, and of course books.
First and foremost, it is a place for books, and we can be pr
oud of that.
Oh, the owls,
don't forget to go outside and take a look.

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